10 March 2009

Fear not!

Lisa Larges
Minister Coordinator, That All May Freely Serve (TAMFS)

I think fear is it’s own category of sin. Not the healthy run-you’re-going-to-be-eaten-by-a-saber-toothed-tiger appropriate kind, but the other kind. The fear that comes out of my own internalized homophobia, or my own jumbo sized fear of loss – of job, of security, of friendships, or respect and perhaps a thousand other things.

It slides over in to the sin category when it’s the one thing keeping me from being faithful, from listening and responding.

Maybe as a church we should be getting around to talking about Scripture, where it says, in the Psalms, and the Gospels, and the Prophets, and the Epistles, and just about any other place you want to look, “Fear not,” or “Don’t be afraid.”

What thing I’ve noticed in our movement for lgbt equality and welcome in the Presbyterian church as voting on amendment 8-B has wended its way through the Presbyteries is that it feels as if a burden of fear has been lifted off our collective shoulders. In so many corners of our church where the fear has been so real and so powerful for so long, people – beautiful, grace-filled faithful people – are stepping out of fear, taking risks, speaking out and showing up. After the counting of votes is over, and it’s time for analysis and reflection, let’s remember this as a time when we learned not to be afraid.

1 comment:

Magdalene6127 said...

Amen. Thanks for this Lisa!